Friday, May 11, 2012

...a chimp with a handgun

I have been on a rant since 1980. That was the year Ronald Reagan took office and changed American politics forever.  I was a 15-year-old high school freshman and I remember exclaiming in class, "This CANNOT be good!"  I immediately became interested in politics and social issues. I've been at odds with convention ever since.

As it turns out, Reagan paid the devil's price for his success and the evangelical right took hold of American political discourse.  During his presidency, corporatism was elevated above the interest of working-class Americans and neoconservatism came to dominate American foreign policy.

Over the past 30 years, Americans, fed a sticky-sweet pablum of of corporate, conservative and religious values, forgot how to think.  Anti-intellectualism is now the norm.  Corporate sponsors dominate the news media and independent, critical analysis is either ignored or outright suppressed.

As a result, most  Americans will now vote against their interests and elect conservative candidates - and believe that they did the right thing. Meanwhile, we're mired knee deep in a Constitutional crisis, the environment is at risk of being destroyed, income inequality is at feudal levels and women's rights are being rolled back to the Victorian era. 

Hence, the raison d'etre for this blog.  I hope to incite reason.  

Although, this blog is one among many thousands, I intend this to be a forum for all who wish (or must)  post their arguments.  Liberal, conservative, socialist, dadaist - it doesn't matter.  Write, argue, think, convince, reject. These are the only rules.

And, now, time for that beer...!

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